
Supplements In Nepal

Majority of supplements in Nepal come from India. Initially, I found most of them very cheap but when they arrive in Nepal I don't know why their rates become almost double to triple ( how could they do all this for money...). Also the supplements like whey protein and weight gainers are of very low quality. There's no proper research done on that products and even we google it nothing can be found.

So Muscle Nepal here brings the wide variety of branded high quality supplement from Europe and USA. These are increasingly being the common choice for every body building enthusiasts. Their review can be found in their official websites and some of the testimonials from our very own “locals” are also provided in this blog. These products meet the strict health guidelines and so there is nothing to worry about. We are here to assure you FEEL SAFE on that part. Proteins 
picture of protein whey

Protein is involved in growing, repairing, and replacing tissues. That is made possible because proteins are the basis for body structures.
I have already write all about protein in my BB Articles ( Bodybuilding articles). You can read it.

Best Time For Consuming Protein Shakes

For best result consume the protein shakes right after your workout -within 30 minutes. At this stage, after your intense workout, your body is dying for something that can be absorbed quickly and protein shake is the right choice. These shakes help in repairing your tore out tissues of relative body which you do in your workout routine. This repairing process is pretty much fast when you consume the shakes enhancing the muscle growth process too.

Protein powder can be mixed with skimmed milk or water or juice with 1 large banana and consume it 2 to 3 times a day. You can consume it between your meals like in mid-day and also before going to bed as this is going to supply the required protein  to your body all night long.

Weight Gainers

picture of weight gainer
Like protein, weight gainers contains  proteins, carbohydrates (crabs), fats & other supplements but in high amount than that of protein powders. In order to build muscle mass you need to be consuming more calories that you burn, every day. If you need an easy way to get a good serving of quality whey protein, complex carbs and fats, then weight gainers are for you! Weight gainers are very versatile! You can use them at any time of the day, for your post workout shake, and for meal replacements. If you're looking to gain weight and muscle mass fast, then a good quality weight gainer is just what you need.

If you like to have proteins and weight gainers in Nepal at a comparatively reasonable price, feel free to contact us. WE PROVIDE ALL TYPES OF SUPPLEMENTS IN NEPAL.

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