

Now, you are no longer new to gym. I am pretty much sure that you have gain some real muscle. Your bicep is now no longer like before, you got broad shoulder and flat chest. Still, its not a party time yet.There's lot more pain to be endure at this level as no pain is no gain.  

Bodybuilding has three levels: beginners, intermediates and advanced. The middle level has never been looked at much because people often refer to themselves as beginners or experienced bodybuilders. This makes it tough for intermediate bodybuilders to find a routine that suits their own individual experience.

Day 1 - Chest and Biceps

Barbell Bench press                                                                                                                                                                                                        
Incline Dumbbell press                                                                        
Pec deck or Dumbbell fly's                                                                  
Decline dumbbell press                                                                        

EZ Bar curls                                                                                          
Alternate Dumbbell curls or preacher                                                    
Reverse Barbell Curls or wrist curls                                                        
Alternating Hammering Curl                                                                                

Day 2 - Shoulders and Traps


Dumbbell Shoulder Press
Seated Dumbbell lateral raise
Rear Delt Machine or bent over lateral fly's
Dumbbell Shrugs
Rear Smith machine shrugs

Day 3 - Back and Triceps
Exercise Sets Reps
Wide grip Pull-ups 
Lat pull-downs
One arm Dumbbell Rows
T- bar Rows


Skull Crushers
Rope Pull-downs
Reverse Single Arm extension

Day 4 - Legs

Leg Press
Stiff legged Dead-lifts
Calf raise 

Work Out notes: Perform 4 sets of each exercise with 12,10,8,6 reps. Make sure to increase the weight in each reps but don't increase in such a way that you need the spotter from very first reps. Also perform about 15 minutes of cardio after you workout and take 2 days complete rest.

If you are not satisfied by your current body figure or if you don't see any progress yet, then you can email me attaching your current body pictures and inform me in which body part you're not satisfied. I can assist you with specific workouts personally. 

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