

Hopefully you joined the gym. Building your muscle as you always dreamed for- need commitments, determinations and of course patience.

First off, let's talk about a workout plan. For a beginner, it is very important that you execute correct form for all exercises. This means using light weight for many reps so that you will have enough practice at the movement. You can also prefer weightlifting in machine rather than free weight because there is more chance of doing the exercise in bad form. Once you have become familiarized with the exercises, you can begin modifying them in such a way that you can hit the target muscle with more accuracy and precision. However, I urge that you perform all movements with strict form and light weight for the 4-6 weeks.
Secondly, be sure that you properly warm-up and thoroughly stretch before grabbing a weight. I recommend a 5 minute warm-up on the treadmill or light jogging followed by stretching for about 5 more minutes. Once you are loose, you can begin with weight training. I've put together a schedule that I believe will benefit anyone starting out with weights.
So, here’s some effective beginners workouts. Perform it for 4-6 weeks. Take not more than 60 secs rest between each sets.

  •             Sunday: Chest and Abs
  •          Monday: Back and Shoulder
  •          Tuesday: Off
  •          Wednesday: Bicep and Triceps (arms)
  •          Thursday: Legs and Forearm
  •          Friday: Cardio
  •          Saturday: Off

Perform 3 sets of each exercise below with 12,10,8 repetitions (reps):

Ø  Incline Bench Press                                                  
(Preferably on machine)  

3 sets with 20, 20, 20 reps
Ø  Sit ups





Ø  Squat
Ø  Leg Curl

NOTE: Perform these exercises using light weight with the spotter or trainer by your side so that he can guide you to maintain good form.

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